Good Food Box Program

The Good Food Box (GFB) is a program under the Community Kitchen Program of Calgary whereby you can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at affordable pricing. The Good Food Box program is a hands-up program as opposed to hands-out.


What is the Good Food Box Program

The Good Food Box Program, (GFB) is a program under the Community Kitchen Program of Calgary, whereby anyone can purchase boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. The Good Food Box Program offers a hands-up approach, opposed to a hands-out. We offer all Calgarians and those in the surrounding areas, access to sustainable nutritious boxes of fruits and vegetables, to ensure that no one has to go hungry. The boxes are assembled by dedicated volunteers, who along with The Community Kitchen, desire to see individuals and families accessing nutritious fruits and vegetables at an affordable price.

Box options

Small Box: $30

15-20lbs* of fruits and vegetables


Medium Box: $35

25-30lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Large Box: $40

35-40lbs* of fruits and vegetables


Each Good Food Box contains a combination of fruits and vegetable. The content varies weekly due to seasonal availability. The boxes contain the maximum produce to ensure our clients are getting the most value for the price. *Please note weights are approximate.

How to get your Good Food Box

Step 1.

Locate the depot nearest to you by using the map below.

*for best results search your postal code on the map

Step 2.

Find out when your depot is scheduled for orders and deliveries.

Step 3.

Contact the Depot Coordinator and they will provide you with more information.

Step 4.

Pick up your Good Food Box and enjoy your fresh produce.

We do NOT offer ready-made Good Food Boxes for purchase.


Contact us

If you have any further questions regarding the Good Food Box Program contact us.

Ian Undseth

Direct: 403-538-3779

Lorrie Herrick

Direct: 403-538-7386

Judy Anderson

Direct: 403-538-7387



Starting a Good Food Box Depot


Step 1

Have the heart for serving those struggling with food insecurity? Or those who want to eat healthy, affordable fruits and vegetable?? Become a Good Food Box Depot Coordinator.

Step 2

A depot can be any place where 5 or more Good Food Boxes can be ordered and delivered to once a month

Step 3

The Depot Coordinator fills out the application form and emails the completed form to our office. It is the depot coordinators responsibility to collect payments assemble orders then place the aggregated order online by the order dates. Then be on location to receive and distribute the GFB orders on delivery date. Keeps Statistics this is essential for the Good Food Box funding.