Tummy Tamers

Tummy Tamers is one of the very few initiatives in Calgary that provides a feeding program specifically designed for children from ages 5-12 in low-income communities over the months of July and August.


How does it work?

Children in low-income communities, frequently depend on school-based feeding programs. Tummy Tamers provides a hot lunch or snack to local agencies and organizations working with vulnerable kids during the summer. Our food is delivered to the sites with high quality standards of food safety.


Why do we run this program?

We work directly with organizations and agencies, not individuals. Every hot lunch is complete with healthy food choices and includes all food groups from Canada's Food Guide. In addition to the hot lunch sites, Tummy Tamers visits 4-7 other sites to deliver an afternoon snack to the children at the day camp.


What is the future?

We look forward to expanding the program to continually reach more sites and in turn feeding more children in the city of Calgary.

The help we receive

The Tummy Tamers summer program would not be possible without the support of various partners and corporations. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the donations and generosity of others to run such unique programs as Tummy Tamers. A very special thank you to those that so kindly donate to our program.

For more information:

Lucy Trevino

Phone: +1 (403) 538-7383

Email: lucy.trevino@ckpyyc.ca


Thank you to our supporters
