Eggs 101 I Ep. 8 I Community Kitchen Teachables
In this episode, Anna walks us through the most common questions she gets about eggs in her cooking classes!
Key Takeaways
Eggs are one of the key ingredients in your kitchen! Eggs are a powerhouse of protein, vitamins (A+D), and healthy fats.
Grade A eggs are the best of the best.
Don’t use cracked or fractured eggs from the store. It has the potential to be contaminated.
Here are a number of common questions about eggs:
What are Omega 3 eggs?
The hen’s diet has been enhanced with flaxseed. The eggs will then have more vitamins and nutrients than a basic egg, thus the increase in price.
White or Brown Eggs, what’s the difference?
No difference really, they have the same nutrient profile.
How do you store?
Refridgerator. Grocery store eggs. Or if you have fresh farm eggs direct then you can store on your counter for 2 weeks.
What is the shelf life of a cooked egg?
1 week in the fridge.
What’s the difference in yolk color?
Depends on the hen’s diet. Lighter - wheat consumed. Darker - corn consumed.
What if it has a blood spot in the egg, do you use it?
Depends on personal preference. If you scoop out the tiny prick of blood that you see, it’s a ruptured blood vessel from the hen, it typically will be ok.
How to separate egg from yolk?
Egg separators are a great tool to use.
How do you know when eggs are fresh?
When the egg sinks in water, if it floats then it’s old.
Why do recipes call for room-temperature eggs?
Reason for that, is because eggs that aren’t chilled they will create more volume (making eggs fluffier, cake may peak more, etc)